Chloe Cotter

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The stages of life we pass through can seem sort of uncomfortable and grasp-y when we’re in the thick of them, can’t they?

But then, looking back, we see these patterns and themes that have become so obvious in your now-ness as these necessary stepping stones along your path, that we can sometimes become nostalgic and day-dream-y about the discomfort and awkwardness we hobbled our way through at the time.

I wonder if having self awareness when we’re in the stage is possible. Or, if the naivety is what brings about the happy accidents that get us wound up in the sorts of love and light we didn’t know we would ever have access to. Would knowing where we’re headed ruin the zest of life?

Or, perhaps thinking we have any sort of choice in the matter either way is futile. Taking the good with the bad no questions asked, or what have you.

Or, is it more that, with the power of hindsight we decide to see patterns in moments, mistaking the randomness of reality with some sort of higher purpose.

I’m not sure of the answer, but I do know that what brought me here, to this moment, can be easily parsed out and jagged lines drawn between important events that all led to this one. I’m not sure about the meaning of it all, but I am grateful for then, and for now, and for what’s to come.